Tuesday 21 November 2017

Top 10 Tips to Boost Sales in Online Travel business

Online travel business is a lucrative opportunity for e-commerce entrepreneurs. This is one field of e-commerce businesses that is enjoying an exponential growth across the world. Even then, many business owners of this particular niche struggle with attracting high traffic and converting them into revenue generating customers. With so much confusion going around, it’s hard to find out the right answers quickly and easily.
This where we come into the picture, for we have a vast experience in the field of helping people set-up their online travel business and promoting it, while making sure they do the right things the right way.

Read the following ten tips to attract more customers to your website and convert them more efficiently:

Get a Great Website:

This one is the obvious point, and yet not many people invest enough time, attention and money in getting a website right. It’s your office, how do you want it to look?

Do No Overdo

Instead of trying to do everything, pick a few destinations and activities, and master your game around them. Become a specialist in your services so that whenever your customers approach you, they know you are the “Go to guy” for a particular destination and/or activity.

Focus on Experience:

User experience comes into action the moment your target audience logs on to your website. Offer something unique to your customers. Give them services that they would absolutely love and recommend to others too. Don’t just give them destinations to travel to, give them experiences they would remember forever.

Figure the Best Suited Revenue Channel:

For some sites, the regular commission-based revenue works better. For other websites, a higher marked price works well. You need to find out a revenue channel depending on your preference and what suits your business model the best. That being said, it’s not wise to rely on a single revenue channel. Create alternate revenue channels through ads, affiliate programs, etc.

Rank Yourself Among Your Competitors:

We all need a reality check every now and then, and it’s in our nature to soften up a little once things start running smoothly. Keep a regular tab on your competitors to see how they are doing, where you stand when placed against them. Lagging behind is never good, being at par is not good enough; the idea is to stay in the lead, or keep trying till you get the lead. Take note from their achievements and mistakes. A wise man is one who can learn from other’s mistakes.

Pitch Perfect:

Prepare a sales pitch. In the online business world, this is often the welcome page, “About Us” section or the “Why Choose Us” section.

Be trustworthy:

You may get to make your target audience buy from you once. But if they don’t get what they wanted, you’ll soon be calling an Online Reputation Management company to fix the damage.

Be Smartphone Savvy:

In simple words, get an app too that can be easily accessed by the tap of the screen; neat, quick and classy.

Go Social:

Majority of travelers like to post images, check-ins and videos on social media. Social media is also working as an alternate selling tool. Catch your audience where they like to hangout the most: FB, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc.

Keep Evolving:

Internet is a constantly evolving entity, and the way people like to travel keeps changing, and so do the marketing strategies. Stay updated with what works now, keep note of what worked and analyze what will work in future.

And above all, always be truthful. You may not get a customer right away, but you will eventually get lots of customers because of your transparency and respect for their trust.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Benefits of Online Travel Business - Travelerrr

Ever since the concept of e-commerce came into picture, business owners have been trying various business models to mark their territory on the Internet. Online travel business is one of the most prolific e-commerce business models and offers following benefits: 

Time Efficient:

 A streamlined travel booking system enables your end users to book their travels within a few minutes.

Cost Effective: 

Apart from attracting more customers through specially designed packages, they can also create alternate revenue channels such as ads and affiliates.

More Exposure: 

Because Internet is global and you can mark an international presence

Tuesday 7 November 2017

10 Points to Consider Before You Start an Online Traveling Business Website

Whether you already have an offline travel business or not and want to start travel website, this article is for you. Whenever we plan to start a business, the common practice is to talk to people who we believe are a knowledgeable source of information. Moreover, we leave no stone unturned to gather as much knowledge as possible to get started as soon as possible, right?
Well, we are not going to tell you how to run your business. What we are going to tell all the points you need to consider BEFORE you start an online travel business. We believe well begun is half done, so we want to make sure you are fully prepared to get things started. We are travelerrr, a trusted name in the world of online travel websites, our experience and expertise in the field backs up what we are going to say,  next pay attention…

1. Choose the Business Model:

Choosing the business model is the prerequisite of any business. When it comes to online travel business, there are plenty of ways in which you can start travel business over the internet. From flight booking to hotel booking to travel activity booking to the affiliate program, the options are galore. Decide which one you want to go with, see how much competition each model has and which one suits you the best.

2. Choose the Right Module:

Why do I need a module, you ask? Well, because your business plan needs a compatible website module. All the business models we discussed above have a different functionality, and you’ll need a website that gets the job done easily and quickly, for you as well as for the customers.

3. Go For Responsive Design:

Gone are the days when you needed different websites for desktop and mobile view. Responsive design allows your users to view your website with seamless consistency across all screen platforms.

4. Use a Secure Payment Gateway:

The times are calling for getting things done quickly. Don’t make your customers wait to make a payment, for people are ready more than ever before to take their cards out and start traveling. Ensure security, and you job is sorted, well, not exactly.

5. Get a Good Logo:

Logo sits at the core of the company. It tells the business idea, establishes trust and brings attention. Invest in a good, eye grabbing and original logo.

6. Focus on Funds:

Whether you are already a businessman or about to become one, to start online travel website means paying money to content writers, getting digital marketing done and so forth. Talk with people you know to help you with funding, or talk to a good bank.

7. Talk to an Agency:

If you are completely new to the travel industry, it will be a good idea to talk to a host agency that can help you with learning how travel industry works. You’ll also need a travel agent license, and the agency will help you get one.

8. Get Social:

Social media is where all the action is happening and reported. From pictures to videos to queries to discussions, it all is happening over the social media. Get on FB, Insta, Twitter and everywhere you see you can connect with more people.

9. Don’t Bite More Than You Can Chew:

While it sounds good to be doing it all, it’s always easier said than done. Instead of attempting to be the goto guy for all online travel needs, focus on one or two niches and master them. Remember, master of one trade is better than a jack of all.

10. Always Focus on Client Satisfaction:

Engaging with a repeated customer always costs less than working on new leads. As a new online travel website, your focus should be around how to convert your new leads and new customers into loyal customers, and the answer is client satisfaction. Satisfied clients also bring along more new customers, once you’ve mastered the art of client satisfaction, things will start flowing smoothly.

We are sure these ten tips are going to prove really helpful for all those folks who plan to start online travel business website. For all your queries and to kickstart your dream venture, Travelerrr is right here with you.